Sick season is almost upon us! This time of year, I focus on boosting our immunity with staples like elderberry, bone broth, and a daily spoonful of fire cider. I'm also ensuring that I have my go-to essential oils ready to support us when those pesky bugs inevitably come around! Aromatherapy can be a soothing ally in alleviating symptoms of cold and flu. Essential oils like Eucalyptus and Peppermint can help clear nasal congestion, making it easier to breathe. Lavender and Tea Tree oil have antiviral and antibacterial properties potentially aiding in the body’s defense against illness. Inhalation of these oils through diffusers or steam inhalation can provide relief from headaches and promote relaxation. Additionally, the calming scents can...
Heading back to school can be either an exciting and inspiring time or a source of dread and anxiety for ourselves and our children. Change and transition can often provoke feelings of unease, fear, and overwhelm. Aromatherapy, often referred to as the medicine of the land, can be incredibly effective in managing stress and anxiety. Essential oils have the ability to soothe anxious thoughts, promote calmness, and foster a deeper connection with oneself, especially when paired with some simple breathe work techniques. They can help shift perspectives, offering a clearer and more positive outlook amidst any challenges or anxious feelings. Here are some suggestions on how to incorporate aromatherapy to help with back to school transition: Aromatherapy Spray...
Spring is officially here which means there is no better time to discuss photo toxic essential oils.Some oils - mainly citrus oils, contain biochemical constituents that can cause a skin reaction under exposure to UV rays. These oils are known as 'photo toxic' meaning they can create a photo sensitive reaction on the skin. These reactions are mainly seen as hyper-pigmentation (dark patches) on the skin and in more severe cases, actual burns. Essentially these oils can make skin very sensitive to UV rays. Photo sensitivity is only an issue when applying photo toxic essential oils topically on the skin. It does not apply if you are using these oils for inhalation purposes, in a shower gel or using them at night. If...
For centuries, essential oils have been cherished for their healing and nurturing qualities, deeply rooted in ancient beauty practices.
My passion lies in crafting luxurious blends of essential oils with skin-nourishing carrier oils and salts. These creations, whether in the form of body oils, massage oils, or salt bath blends, serve as potent tools for self-care. Harnessing the wisdom and healing properties of plants, they offer a holistic experience that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit.
Here are some of my favourite bath and body care recipes that I have been using the years:
Native to North Africa and Oman, Frankincense essential oil begins life as a resin that oozes out of damaged bark. The ancient Egyptians used this resin as incense, a preservative in the embalming process, a perfume, a cosmetic ingredient and an offering to the gods. The essential oil retains the sweet notes of the resin, with a hint of body and texture. Fruit feature Tall shrub with papery bark Part of the fruit used for essential oil Resin Extraction method Steam distillation Safety Frankincense is gentle oil. It is non toxic, non irritating and non senisitizing so is safe for all skin types. Chakra & Crystal Crown and Base Amethyst, purple-dyed Agate, Jasper, Kyanite, Red Tigers Eye ...